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Alessandro Algardi: Sculpteur Baroque, Biographie
Carlo Maratta (Maratti): peintre baroque italien
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David II (the Younger) Teniers
David II (the Younger) Teniers Peintures En dehors de cette album
Country Inn
Temptation of Saint Anthony
Mendicant with a rattle in his hand
The Bagpiper, also called The Piper
The Old And The Cake Maid After David Teniers
El vivac
Banquete de monos
Monos fumadores y bebedores
Monos en la escuela
Monos en una bodega
El mono escultor
El mono pintor
El alquimista
Operación quirúrgica
Operación quirúrgica
Merienda de aldeanos
El viejo y la criada
El viejo y la criada
La cocina
El rey bebe
Bebedores y fumadores
Fumadores y bebedores
Fumadores en una taberna
El soldado alegre
Tiro con arco
Juego de bolos
Fiesta y comida de aldeanos
Fiesta campestre
Fiesta campestre
Fiesta aldeana
DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER Monkeys drinking and smoking; and Monkeys playing cards 90216 184
David Teniers The Younger A peasant eating mussels at a farm 42088 20
David Teniers The Younger Guardroom with Monkeys 32798 172
David Teniers The Younger Peasants playing dice outside an inn 18342 172
David Teniers The Younger The interior of an inn with peasants smoking by a table and conversing before a fire 27930 20
The Guitar Player
The Knife-grinder
Reconciliación de Reinaldo y Armida
Armida en la batalla frente a los sarracenos.
Proezas de Reinaldo frente a los egipcios
Reinaldo huye de las islas Afortunadas
Separación de Armida y Reinaldo
El jardín de Armida
Carlos y Ubaldo en las islas Afortunadas
Reinaldo llevado en sueños a las islas Afortunadas
Reinaldo enamorado de Armida, en la isla de Orontes
El mago descubre a Carlos y Ubaldo el paradero de Reinaldo ()
Godofredo y el Consejo escuchan la demanda de Armida
Armida ante Godofredo de Bouillon
San Pablo, primer ermitaño, y San Antonio Abad
Tentaciones de San Antonio Abad
Tentaciones de San Antonio Abad
Tentaciones de San Antonio Abad
Paisaje con un ermitaño
Paisaje con gitanos
Paisaje con ermitaños
La casa rústica
Aldeanos conversando
Coloquio pastoril
El archiduque Leopoldo Guillermo en su galería de pinturas en Bruselas
Un cuerpo de guardia
Christ in the house of Martha and Mary [and David Teniers the Elder]
Teniers, David the Younger. Temptation of St. Anthony
Teniers, David the Younger. Temptation of St. Anthony
Teniers, David the Younger. Flutist
Teniers, David the Younger. Karaulnaya
Teniers, David the Younger. A fast set
Teniers, David the Younger. Peasants in a Tavern
Teniers, David the Younger. Peasants Playing Dice
Teniers David Younger. Peasants, bowling
Teniers David Younger. Peasant Wedding
Teniers, David the Younger. Smoker ()
Teniers, David the Younger. Smoker
Teniers, David the Younger. Kitchen
Teniers, David the Younger. Monkeys in the kitchen
Teniers, David the Younger. The scene in the pub
Teniers, David the Younger. The scene in the pub
Teniers, David the Younger. Shepherdess
Teniers, David the Younger. Swain
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape with a Tower
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape with peasants before the pub
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape with grotto and a group of Roma
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape with shepherd and flock
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape with a village pub
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape with fishermen
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape with a maid at the well
Teniers, David the Younger. Landscape
Teniers, David the Younger. Portrait of Ghent, Bishop Anthony Trista and his brother. Capuchin Friars Eugene
Teniers, David the Younger. Maritime port
Teniers, David the Younger. Harvest
Teniers, David the Younger. A painter in his studio
Teniers, David the Younger. View neighborhoods in Brussels
Teniers, David the Younger. Mountain landscape
Teniers, David the Younger. Group portrait of members of the Guild Rifle Oude Voetboog in Antwerp
Teniers, David the Younger. Village Festival ()
Teniers David Younger. Village Festival
Teniers, David the Younger. Yard peasant houses ()
Teniers, David the Younger. Yard peasant houses
Teniers, David the Younger. Yard Dreytorenskogo Castle
Teniers, David the Younger. Duo
Teniers, David Elder. Miracle of St. Paul on Malta
De rokende metselaar, 1630-1660
Soldatenwacht, 1641
De oude bierdrinker, 1640-1660
De verzoeking van de heilige Antonius de Heremiet 1640-1660
Dansende boeren, 1620-1700
De dobbelaars, 1630-1650
Een boer met zijn vrouw en kind voor de boerderij, 1640-1670
Boerenkermis, 1665
Violin Player in a Tavern
The Alchemist
Venus and Adonis
Vertumnus and Pomona
Io, transformed into a cow, is handed to Juno by Jupiter
Farmboy with a Dog
Abraham’s Prayer of Thanks
Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in his gallery in Brussels
Archduke Leopold Wilhelm () among his works of art in the archduke’s gallery in Brussels
Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, with the Siege of Gravelingen
Música en la cocina
The Works of Mercy
Village festival with aristocratic couple
Heron Chase with the Archduke Leopold-William
Kitchen Interior
The Alchemist
Company at the meal
The painter and his family
Landscape with rainbow
Landscape with fishermen
A Country Festival near Antwerp
A Cottage by a River with a Distant View of a Castle
A Gipsy Fortune Teller in a Hilly Landscape
A Man holding a Glass and an Old Woman lighting a Pipe
A View of Het Sterckshof near Antwerp
A View of a Village
An Old Peasant caresses a Kitchen Maid in a Stable
Backgammon Players
Peasants at Archery
Peasants making Music in an Inn
Peasants playing Bowls outside a Village Inn
The Covetous Man
The Rich Man being led to Hell
Two Men playing Cards in the Kitchen of an Inn
An Old Woman peeling Pears
A Doctor tending a Patients Foot in his Surgery
An Old Woman Reading
Personification of Autumn
Peasants merry-making before a Country House
An Artist in His Studio
Landscape with Peasants Playing Bowls Outside an Inn
Adam and Eve in Paradise
Peasants Dancing and Feasting
Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Guardroom with the Deliverance of Saint Peter
The Good Samaritan
Shepherds and Sheep
Old Age in Search of Youth
Venus and Cupid
The Blind Leading the Blind
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David II (the Younger) Teniers
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